Euchre Party Help
Signup to help at this event
Event volunteers 6:00pm:
#1: Owens Wayne J.
#2: The “Mighty Raybo”
#3: Chris Chalifoux
#4: George Hedke
#5: Marty
#6: Tony Levo
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Euchre Party Help
February 1, 2025
Shift 1
Shift 1 Total Spots
Event Detail:
All will help with set up and clean up of the tables, beer cart, snacks etc.
1. 50/50 Raffle Chairperson - selling 50/50 tickets at the gate
2. Registration Chairperson - one person will enter the players into a spreadsheet on my pc to track scoring per player
3. Maintain the beer cart/snack table
4. Timer for each round - could also be the same person as registration
5. Euchre Instructor - person would train anyone who needs the refresher course from 6:30 to 7:00 PM
6. One extra person to act as a floater - filling in where needed
SMOY Knights Hall
Randy Lampe
Contact Email: