SMOY Council Hosts Degree Ceremony

St Margaret of York Council #13429 welcomed several new members to the Order. The council hosted a time-honored ceremony at the parish in the day chapel this past Monday, September 25th, 2023. Veteran members of the council gathered along with the new candidates to witness the ceremony. The District 5 Degree Team provided an overview of the Knights of Columbus's history, emphasizing its core values: charity, unity, and fraternity.
A few key symbolic rituals were observed and the candidates were presented with a rosary and KofC lapel pin, marking their responsibility towards their faith and community. The highlight for many was the oath of fealty, a moment where the candidates officially pledged their allegiance to the Order, the Church, and their community.
The formal ceremony was followed by a modest celebration, where members mingled, shared stories, and congratulated the new Knights on their initiation. Overall, the event was a testament to the Order's enduring values and the importance of community. With the induction of the new members, the St Margaret of York Council #13429 ensures that their traditions and commitments will carry on.