2023 SMOY Knight of the Year - Greg Evans

In the truest sense of the word "brother Knight", Greg Evans is that person.
We always joke about him being the most important person in the council since he is in charge of making sure there is always cold beer. Yet we need to also realize Greg is present when he is needed. The number of projects he has assisted in goes far beyond his friendship to all of us. His work schedule is always in conflict with our activities yet he somehow is present. He is one of the individuals we look to for leadership as the key to our success.
Please congratulate our nominees!
Kevin Finnigin
I would like to nominate Kevin Finnigan. He has done fantastic work with the financials and has taken the lead in getting the website updated which is a huge endeavor.
Wayne Owens
The epitome of being a Knight is service to others, and Wayne has been a consistent and reliable volunteer the entire year, in just about everything we did. He consistently showed up at many (if not all), of our service functions….from Trunk or Treat, to the Fish Fry’s (both cutting the fish on Thurs night as well as selling beer on Friday nights), to the recent Rosary making event. And many more in-between! He dutifully performs his service with a smile and humble demeanor, not looking for any special attention or recognition. I can not think of any other Knight who has willingly volunteered more than Wayne, nor anyone who is more deserving!
Fr. Maria Pasala
I would like to nominate Fr Pasala as knight of the year.